Finding Your Calm: How To Create Serenity In A Non-Stop World

Finding Your Calm: How To Create Serenity In A Non-Stop World

May 20, 20244 min read

Finding Your Calm: How To Create Serenity In A Non-Stop World

Can you create serenity when you feel stressed out, exhausted, concerned, or burnt out? It is easy to get caught up in the busy, nonstop world when you are trying to achieve your goals—it’s like a hamster wheel! Sometimes, we need to hit the brakes and find some peace in all of the chaos.

Let's face it—contrary to popular belief, our energy is limited. You do not have an endless supply of energy. Trying to do it all, all the time, can ramp up anxiety and drain the joy from our lives fast.

We, or I, tend to forget the effects on the body that is under constant stress and performance measures. It's time to slow down, let go of that pesky perfectionism, and embrace being the perfect you that you already are.

Take a deep breath in and exhale.

Inhale, exhale.

Inhale, exhale.

I mean it. Take a moment and take a deep breath with me now. Notice the difference this simple exercise made in your body. This simple act can be a great way to calm down and create serenity.

Deep breath in and deep breath out.

As someone who understands the value of excellent work and attention to detail, I bring that same dedication to every business account or transaction I'm involved with. 

I also know the importance of scheduled breaks to refresh myself and find balance in my day. Whether it's walking my dogs, enjoying music, taking a few breaths, or connecting with nature, a little rest boosts my energy for the day. It's like pressing the reset button.

Finding Serenity

Let's talk about a few simple things to keep in mind to keep your physical energy fully charged. It's important to avoid sugar highs that lead to energy crashes. Fuel your body with a healthy balance of food. Put down your cell phone and get a good night's sleep. Incorporate physical activities into your daily routine to boost mood and regulate stress. Cardio and strength training are excellent.

If your exhaustion is more mental, give your brain a break by cutting down on multitasking, which is a bunch of hoey, by the way. Multitasking is a freaking myth. What you're doing is called task switching with multiple things. It takes the mind up to 15 minutes to fully regain focus after you switch to another task. Do your mind a favor and stick to one task at a time. Focusing on one thing at a time will also help you relax your mind. 

Single-minded focus is also much more productive. For example, I recently started writing for about 20 to 30 minutes every morning before accessing email, voicemail notifications, or anything else unrelated to writing. I've been cranking out a lot of content and have been much more productive with this task.

When you need to fill your social needs cup, call a friend! Connecting with somebody who knows you well can help bring more meaning and perspective to your busy life. It's helpful to vent thoughts and feelings and gain perspective. 

These practices can help you create serenity amidst the busyness of life and business. However, mindfulness is critical to achieving a sense of peace. Pay attention to your thoughts and catch those energy-sapping negative thoughts before they take hold. Replace them with thoughts of gratitude. When stress creeps into your body, take a moment to breathe into your tight muscles and let the tension melt away. 

You can combine relaxation techniques with a 2-minute mini vacation. How? You can close your eyes and think about or remember one of your favorite places or a positive vacation experience. Immerse yourself in the details, the feelings, the weather, the scents, the sounds, the tastes, and the physical sensations. As the positive emotions wash over you, your neurology and physiology do not know the difference between the experience and your imagination. You will get the same effects as long as you feel it.

Access feelings of calm and peace to create serenity. It's not about running away to some ideal place or situation or waiting for the perfect retreat. You can cultivate inner peace in your fabulous and chaotic life right here and right now in this wild, mixed-up, wonderful world of ours.

“When you do the right thing, you get the feeling of peace and serenity associated with it. Do it again and again.”

― Roy T. Bennett

Please share this information to help a family member or friend who may need to slow down and find peace in their day. If you want to create serenity in your business and life, Click here to schedule a call; I promise there's no cost or obligation.

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