Building Meaningful Relationships Is The Spice Of Life And Business

Building Meaningful Relationships Is The Spice Of Life And Business

May 01, 20243 min read

Building meaningful relationships is very important to me. There is more spice in my life thanks to these relationships.

It is true that we crave companionship and community. Our relationships provide us with countless rewards. Growing and learning by building meaningful relationships allows us to celebrate each other. More importantly, healthy relationships can increase longevity and improve mental health and well-being.

Relationships are the spice of life for me. Without others, there is little to no joy in life.

Why? Because, as humans, we don’t just crave community and companionship. We are a social species, so we NEED each other. It’s in our freaking DNA. We need others to share our lives, trials, and tribulations.

Relationships provide us with so many rewards. In the process of developing and nurturing relationships, we grow, learn, and celebrate each other. We receive support when we are experiencing tough times. Having someone to help you through difficult circumstances can greatly improve how you handle and recover from struggles. 

An article in Northwestern Medicine discusses five benefits for healthy relationships. Social connections can increase longevity because we were not meant to be alone. I go through spells where I isolate myself from time to time. It's a big mistake I make. When I get back into the community I find the problems I was focused upon matter very little. More importantly, the people may have valuable input and assistance.

Building meaningful relationships is essential no matter what phase of life you are in. When we are young, our relationships are very different than when we are older. However, they are no less important because we are wired for connection.

Building Meaningful Relationships

When we are young, friendships can be a little easier. As we grow older, we get busy with jobs, obligations, families, and children It may become harder to spend time with others besides our immediate family. As our lives become less demanding, meaning when we are getting older, we have more time again for those relationships. It is all part of the cycle of life. 

Building meaningful relationships goes outside family and friends to include groups, communities, colleagues, neighbors, and social groups. Without meaningful relationship in our lives, we don’t experience the same levels of joy. I know I suffer whenever I decide to isolate, and I feel much better when I get out and about with others.

Communication is key to all relationships. Good and effective communication requires being present, listening, forgiving, and apologizing, if and when necessary. I think it is well worth the effort. 

The first relationship you need to work on is the relationship with yourself. If you are taking good care of yourself you can be a better friend, supporter, or advocate for others.  You know what they say in the safety review when you board on a plane, put your oxygen mask on first before you go to help others even your children. It's the same concept.

If you don't have a self-care routine yet, start small. In just 5 minutes you can do some deep breathing, play with your pet, flip through a magazine, or create a gratitude list. With good self-care; you will have an easier time managing your important relationships and coping with life's challenges. 

I value the relationships I build in my personal and professional life. Coaching and development is a relationship business that I am passionate about. Want to learn more about my business coaching? Click here to schedule; I promise there's no cost or obligation.

“Be genuinely interested in everyone you meet and everyone you meet will be genuinely interested in you” ― Rasheed Ogunlaru

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